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Streamlining HR and IT Processes: ServiceNow Workday Integration Solutions for Enterprises

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ServiceNow and Workday are titans in their respective domains – one in IT service management, the other in managing human capital.

Integrating these two platforms enables seamless data flow, process automation, and countless other benefits.

But what does this integration look like under the practice?

In this blog, we’ll explore ServiceNow Workday integration, sharing tips, tools, and secrets for a super-solid integration.

First, Understand the Integration Scope (because it is Crucial)

To achieve robust integration, it’s important to define the scope in the first place.

Data Synchronization: Syncing employee data, organizational hierarchies, job positions, and more.

Process Automation: Automating workflows that span both platforms, such as onboarding, offboarding, and other HR-related requests.

Event-Driven Actions: Triggering actions in ServiceNow based on events in Workday and vice versa.

ServiceNow Workday Integration: 4 Effective Approaches to Make it Happen

There are several ways to integrate ServiceNow with Workday. Here are some of the primary approaches.

1. APIs

Both ServiceNow and Workday offer extensive REST and SOAP APIs which can be used for integration.

ServiceNow REST API – It allows for CRUD operations on ServiceNow resources.

Workday REST and SOAP APIs – It provides access to a wide range of Workday services and data.

APIs offer you fine-grained control over the integration.

However, it requires substantial development efforts and comprehensive error handling.

2. Middleware

Middleware is the software layer that helps different systems or applications communicate and exchange data.

Acting as a go-between, it ensures the various parts of an integrated system can work together without issues.

Middleware tools like MuleSoft, Dell Boomi, or Jitterbit can simplify the ServiceNow Workday integration.

These tools provide robust integration capabilities, data transformation, and process orchestration.

However, you have to keep in mind that they may not cater to every specific need.

3. Integration Platforms as a Service (iPaaS)



iPaaS platforms like Zapier or Workato provide a no-code/low-code environment for building integrations.

These platforms offer pre-built connectors for ServiceNow Workday integration, enabling visual drag-and-drop configuration.

However, these solutions are generally better suited for less complex, event-driven integrations.

4. Custom Integration

Have complex data mapping? Need to implement custom workflow engines? Facing API limitations? Require enhanced security features? Want to handle large data volume? Or need detailed error handling?

If your answer is yes, then custom integration is the best option to go for.

This method typically involves developing code to interact with ServiceNow and Workday APIs.

But what makes it the best is that – integration can be easily scaled to meet future data volume and process requirements.

Key Integration Points to Consider for Integrating ServiceNow with Workday

By considering the below key points, you can establish a robust and efficient ServiceNow Workday integration.

Syncing employee data from Workday to ServiceNow can be achieved by scheduling API calls to pull data from Workday and update ServiceNow.

API Endpoint Example: Use Workday’s ‘Get_Workers’ API to retrieve employee data.

ServiceNow Integration: Create a scheduled job in ServiceNow that periodically fetches data from Workday and updates the ‘sys_user’ table.


When a new hire is created in Workday, an onboarding workflow can be triggered in ServiceNow.

  • Event Subscription: Set up an event subscription in Workday to call a ServiceNow webhook when a new hire event occurs.
  • Workflow Execution: The ServiceNow webhook triggers an onboarding workflow, creating tasks for IT, facilities, and other departments.


Similar to onboarding, offboarding processes can be automated by subscribing to termination events in Workday.

  • Deprovisioning: Automate the deprovisioning of access, recovery of assets, and other offboarding tasks in ServiceNow.

Map organizational data between Workday and ServiceNow to ensure accurate representation in both systems.

You can use Workday’s ‘Get_Organizations’ API to retrieve organizational structures and update ServiceNow’s department and cost center tables.

System of Record

Identify which system will be the system of record for each data point. Ideally, the source system (Workday for HR data, ServiceNow for incident data) should be the system of record to ensure data accuracy.

Data Mapping

Define how data fields between the two systems will be mapped and translated. This includes identifying corresponding fields and any necessary data transformations.

Data Security

Establish secure methods for data transfer between the systems, following compliance regulations and best practices.

Bi-directional Workflows

Create workflows that trigger actions in both systems.

For example, a new hire record in Workday could initiate an onboarding workflow in ServiceNow.

Business Rules and Triggers

Define rules to automate specific actions based on events in either system.

An example might be automatically provisioning IT equipment upon employee approval in Workday.

Centralized Reporting

Decide where reports will be generated (Workday or ServiceNow) and ensure data consistency for consolidated views.

Challenges and Considerations in ServiceNow Workday Integration

While integrating ServiceNow with Workday offers numerous benefits, it also presents several challenges that you must address.

⚠️ Workday and ServiceNow often use different data models and formats, requiring thorough data mapping and transformation processes

⚠️ Both ServiceNow and Workday impose API rate limits and throttling mechanisms, which can affect integration performance

⚠️ Determine if real-time integration is necessary or if batch processing at regular intervals suffices

⚠️ Integrating sensitive data like employee information requires robust security measures to protect data privacy and comply with regulations

⚠️ Integration processes can encounter errors due to network issues, data discrepancies, or system failures

⚠️ Consider the volume of data being transferred and the impact on system performance

⚠️ Stay informed about API changes and updates from both platforms to make necessary adjustments to the integration

⚠️ As integration volumes and complexity grow, ensuring scalability and optimizing performance becomes critical

How Can Azilen Help for ServiceNow Workday Integration?

Messy, confusing, and guaranteed to leave you with a headache – that’s the complexity ServiceNow Workday integration brings.

But at Azilen, we can turn your integration woes into wins!

We’ve been solving the HRTech and Workday complexities for 15 years – that’s practically a lifetime in tech years.

Our team of passionate engineers will take the complexity out of integration, so you can focus on what matters: keeping your employees happy and productive.

And no more duct-tape solutions or messy integrations.

We’ll ensure a smooth flow of data, automated workflows, and a unified user experience that will have your HR and IT departments singing your praises.

Let’s discuss your specific challenges and how we can help you solve them.

Unleash HR & IT Harmony

Talk to a ServiceNow Workday Integration Expert

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