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At a Glance

Azilen having HR tech at its heart & proven expertise in recruiting industry is assisting businesses to survive in this cutthroat battle by defining a consistent & comprehensive hiring strategy with right set of tools.

Azilen collaborated with customer for complete modernization of the existing Applicant Tracking System with technology leap & renewed user experience as per industry standards. This led to an efficient recruitment process with optimized workflow and an intuitive, user-friendly and futuristic ATS.

Key Highlights

Recruitment Marketing Automation

Enterprise-grade Tool

Recruiter’s CRM

Configurable Hiring Workflows

Talent Pooling

ATS & Job Boards Integrations


  • Product Modernization
  • Extensive Data Processing
  • Manifold Integrations
  • Automated Shortlisting
  • Streamline Hiring Process

About Client

The customer based in Canada is an innovation leader with 50+ years of experience in Talent Acquisition & tools around that. This tool provides state-of-the-art processes that empower organizations with efficient recruiting process, allowing recruiters to spend their valuable time placing top candidates.


How we helped?

Azilen engaged with the client for blue-printing the concept from idea to implementation, thus envisioned an automated drone inspection software.

A robust platform was engineered with a comprehensive technical due-diligence on drone systems, SDKs, high-performance architectures and effective control mechanisms.


Recruitment Speed


Information and History


Easy Integration

The Solution

The customer is well-versed in recruiting & staffing industry & was in search for a highly experienced product development partner to revamp their legacy solution to a futuristic ATS.

Customer collaborated with Azilen with a long-term engagement plan to map the new technological and HR requirements. An open eco-system was created, envisaging numerous recruitment tools in the market supplementing the ATS’s extendibility.

The long-term engagement initiated with a complete revamp of the User Experience & Work Flow modification, later leading to a redefined architecture & development of some of the remarkable & trending ATS functionality.

Modernization Journey

Transformation Strategy

A detailed analysis of the product was carried out for extracting the key functional components and workflows. With the sheer understanding of the product, the following shortcomings were realised:

  • Obsolete Technology & Cumbersome Infrastructure
  • Complex User flows & Unappealing User Interface
  • Poor System performance & Security vulnerability


To address these, the modernization roadmap was defined with key focus on UI Standardization, workflow optimization, and architecture. This roadmap was initiated with front-end first approach, and then revamping the backend subsequently. A design strategy was formulated for the UX enhancement with visual apprehension of the modern system.

Implementation & Execution

A detailed development strategy was prepared along with defining the tech stack, middleware services framework, APIs and system integrations covering the complete functional & technical flow of the system. Selection of new microservice based architecture design with the cloud infrastructure.

  • Domain Driven classification of microservices with event storming
  • The frontend and backend infrastructure with the CI/CD pipeline automation
  • Following are the prime objective for architectural transformation to form resilient and reliable system:
    • Domain Driven functional units
    • Isolation to micro-level functional units
    • Functional independence – loose coupling


The newly implemented solution is a web & mobile based enterprise ATS for recruiters that includes complete process flows for candidate, client & job orders management with multiple integrations in place.

A Phased approach was chosen to ensure minimal disruption in the Legacy ecosystem.

fast track recruitment

“Drone technology is the future of aviation inspections.” – Peter Ingram, CEO of Hawaiian Airlines.

Drone surveillance technology has faced various constraints in terms of inspections, it is essential that the inspection process becomes highly optimized and automated in terms of operations.

The combination of technologies, adaption to growing modern trends and skilled team yields the best outcome. An indispensable eco-system for any provider shall be equipped with a platform that:

  • Has quickly identified potential safety issues that increased reliability.
  • Enhanced the inspection process in aviation.
  • Provides real time tracking and analytics


  • Configure Recruitment Workflow
  • Master Candidate Search
  • Candidate Sourcing
  • Referral Management
  • Task Management
  • Candidate Profile & Database
  • Document Management System


Job Orders

  • Job Creation
  • Clone Job Order
  • Job Board Posting
  • Candidate Preferences
  • Job Order Matching
  • Candidate Shortlisting
  • Candidate – Job Status
  • Resume Repository

Assessments & Communication

  • Tire Configuration
  • Assessment Test Creation
  • Multiple Question Types
  • Evaluation & Ranking
  • Automated Email Responses
  • Scheduled Candidate Connects
  • Email/VoIP Call/SMS Comm.



  • Job Search
  • Online Application
  • Resume Builders
  • Document Upload
  • Assessment Tests
  • Video Interview
  • Application Status


  • Automated storage & analysis of resume data
  • Compiler to interpret data with NLTK
  • Entity Extraction & segregated information
  • Custom model training
  • Bulk resume upload
  • Extract personal & contact details, educational qualification, relevant experience, skills, hobby etc.
  • Multiple file format supported : PDF, Txt & Docx

Mobile Timesheet (Post Hiring)

  • Independent mobile app for Candidate & Organization
  • Geofence based check-in and check-out
  • Shift timings/Preferences & Leave Applications
  • Payroll Management