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Azilen HR Integrations
The most exciting journey for an HRTech product is integration. It might seem like a straightforward Route 66 at first glance, but once you get on board, it's more like navigating the challenging and unpredictable Highway 401. Our role here isn't just providing a map for the easy route; we're the car itself helping you navigate the tough terrain while feeling safe and confident that you will surely reach your destination.

You Deserve Values, Not Just a Service.

If your goal is to enable users to seamlessly manage unified data across various domains such as employee experience management, core HR & Payroll, talent management, or HR analytics, our expertise lies in assisting product owners in optimizing their offerings for maximum user satisfaction. Our mission is to empower product owners to enrich their products with enhanced value propositions while prioritizing a seamless experience for end-users through our SAP SuccessFactors Integration Services.
Vendor Ecosystem Integration
Vendor Ecosystem Integration
By integrating with SAP SuccessFactors, your HRTech product gains access to SAP's extensive ecosystem, fostering collaboration and interoperability between different tools and systems. This integration enhances flexibility for your end users, allowing them to leverage a wider range of solutions while maintaining cohesion within their HR workflows.
User Experience
Unified User
By creating a seamless data funnel between SAP SuccessFactors and your HRTech product, you can deliver a unified interface, reducing the need for users to switch between multiple platforms. leading to enhanced productivity and user satisfaction.
Automation and
Your HRTech product can leverage SAP data to streamline tasks such as employee onboarding, payroll processing, and performance management. By automating repetitive tasks, organizations can reallocate resources to more strategic activities, driving business growth.
Bidirectional Integration
The bidirectional flow of information ensures consistency and accuracy across SAP SuccessFactors and your HRTech product, eliminating data silos and reducing the risk of errors or discrepancies. This eventually enables timely decision-making and improves overall data integrity.
Real-time Data Push and Pull
Real-time Data
Push and Pull
We executive real-time data synchronization between SAP SuccessFactors and your HRTech product, enabling your product to push updates to SAP and pull relevant information on demand. By accessing real-time data from SAP, HRTech products can deliver timely notifications, alerts, and analytics to users.
Scalability and
Our SAP SuccessFactors Integration service is crafted to address your evolving needs for scalability & security. Experience seamless scalability as your business grows. Moreover, we prioritize data integrity, ensuring that no information is stored at any stage—pre, during, or post data transfer—ensuring your data remains handled gracefully.

Your Choice Can Be One or Infinite. Ours is Only One - Delivering Excellence.

As HRTech product owners, understanding the value of integrating your solution with SAP SuccessFactors is paramount. This integration enables organizations to revolutionize HR operations and uplift employee experiences while leveraging their existing data and processes. Our commitment to excellence ensures that regardless of your integration choice, we deliver seamless integration and exceptional results for your product.
SAP SuccessFactors Integration Spectrum

Innovate & Integrate: Crafting Our Signature SAP SuccessFactors Integration Solution.

Discover a world where employee information, performance metrics, learning initiatives, and compensation details flow harmoniously between SAP SuccessFactors and your HRTech platform. Let your end users dive into the simplicity of managing global HR operations, from organizational structures to international assignments without switching between systems.
How do we implement SAP SuccessFactors integration

No. Integrations Are No Longer Just About Point A to B.

The architecture of SAP SuccessFactors Integration service is adaptable to different business scenarios. It facilitates seamless integration with various HRTech products, enabling real-time data synchronization and event-driven integration. This enhances efficiency and ensures accuracy across the HR technology ecosystem as it caters to exact use cases.
1) Request Response
This pattern involves one system making a request to another and waiting for a response. Common protocols include HTTP/HTTPS, SOAP, and REST.
2) Event-Driven
In this pattern, systems communicate by emitting and listening for events. Well-suited for scenarios where real-time processing is not critical
3) Data
Involves copying data from one system to another to keep them synchronized. Useful for scenarios where different systems need consistent copies of shared data.
4) Aggregator (Hub-and-Spoke)
Involves a central hub that aggregates and distributes information to various spoke systems. Useful for scenarios where multiple systems need access to a centralized set of data.

The Results Which You'll Surely Get Habituated of.

Results matter. They matter to credibility. And that's why, we do not give cold shoulders to it. Whatever we do, we do it with ownership. That allows us to confidently share the list of results before even engaging in a conversation with you. This commitment to results isn't just a sub heading for us; it's a promise. It's a promise to bring result-focused HRTech integration services.
Enhanced Employee
Global Reach
and Compliance
Unified Employee &
Candidate Profiles
Increased User
Advanced Predictive
DEI Metrics
Enhanced User

Sound Reasons to Place Your Confidence in Us.

Imagine the level of precision you can acquire if you have been doing the same work for over a decade! Well, we have been obsessed with a single job called 'product engineering' for over 14 years. During this journey, we have onboarded some of the sharpest minds and subject matter experts who collaboratively turn the boring job of coding into the epic job of engineering. What matters the most is their ambition of solving some of the most clogged-up enterprise workflows with the simplest solutions that demand nothing less than guts to go beyond the human spirit and think wild.

Product Engineering Since 2009

Product Engineering in DNA

Core Domain Understanding & SMEs

Robust IP and Data Security Mechanism

Delivers Nothing Less Than Excellence

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Still have Questions?

Top FAQs Around Our SAP SuccessFactors Integration Services.

Integrating SAP SuccessFactors with your HRTech product streamlines HR processes, ensuring seamless data flow and enhancing efficiency. This integration brings together the strengths of both systems, providing a holistic solution for talent management, performance, learning, and more.

Integrating SAP SuccessFactors with your HRTech product enhances onboarding by synchronizing employee details, including personal information, job roles, and onboarding tasks. This ensures a smooth and cohesive onboarding experience for new hires.

SAP SuccessFactors can be integrated with a wide range of HRTech products, including but not limited to HRIS (Human Resource Information Systems), talent management systems, recruitment platforms, learning management systems (LMS), payroll solutions, employee engagement tools, and performance management software.

Absolutely. The integration is designed to be flexible, allowing customization to align with your unique HR workflows and the inclusion of any custom fields in SAP SuccessFactors that are integral to your processes.

The integration process typically involves configuring APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) or middleware to establish communication between SAP SuccessFactors and the HRTech product. Data mapping, synchronization, and validation are performed to ensure smooth data exchange between the systems.

With the Azilen team already having access to the SAP SuccessFactors sandbox, you can rest assured. Testing in this environment ensures seamless integration between both systems, identifying and resolving any potential issues or conflicts prior to deployment in production environments.