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Azilen HR Integrations
ADP Payroll dominates 7.51% of the payroll management market, making it the leading payroll company, serving over one million customers and employing more than 70,000 individuals. Its extensive HCM suite, which extends beyond payroll, empowers sustained high-value growth. Integrating your solution with this widely adopted HRTech product presents numerous opportunities. ADP integration not only grants you a competitive advantage but also ensures seamless data synchronization for end-users across disparate systems.

You Deserve Values, Not Just a Service.

If your vision extends beyond simply providing your HRTech product to users, and instead involves enabling them to streamline payroll processes, automate calculations, ensure tax regulation compliance, and manage employee benefits seamlessly without switching between your product and ADP, then ADP integration is the solution you need. Ultimately, such integration fosters a more productive and engaged workforce, aligning with your broader goals of enhancing user experience and efficiency.
Vendor Ecosystem Integration
Vendor Ecosystem Integration
By integrating with ADP, your HRTech product gains access to ADP's extensive ecosystem, fostering collaboration and interoperability between different tools and systems. This integration enhances flexibility for your end users, allowing them to leverage a wider range of solutions while maintaining cohesion within their HR workflows.
User Experience
Unified User
By creating a seamless data funnel between ADP and your HRTech product, you can deliver a unified interface, reducing the need for users to switch between multiple platforms. leading to enhanced productivity and user satisfaction.
Automation and
Your HRTech product can leverage ADP data to streamline tasks such as employee onboarding, payroll processing, and performance management. By automating repetitive tasks, organizations can reallocate resources to more strategic activities, driving business growth.
Bidirectional Integration
The bidirectional flow of information ensures consistency and accuracy across ADP and your HRTech product, eliminating data silos and reducing the risk of errors or discrepancies. This eventually enables timely decision-making and improves overall data integrity.
Real-time Data Push and Pull
Real-time Data
Push and Pull
Real-time data synchronization between ADP and your HRTech product, enables your product to push updates to ADP and pull relevant information on demand. By accessing real-time data from ADP, HRTech products can deliver timely notifications, alerts, and analytics to users.
Scalability and
Experience seamless scalability as your business grows while we prioritize data integrity, ensuring that no information is stored at any stage—pre, during, or post data transfer—ensuring your data remains handled gracefully.

Your Choice Can Be One or Infinite. Ours is Only One - Delivering Excellence.

ADP Payroll and its HCM Suite stand ready to integrate with a multitude of HRTech products, accommodating diverse and sophisticated use cases. No matter which ADP integration path you choose, having a robust integration portfolio for new HRTech product becomes crucial as it turns out to be the deciding factor for a new solution hitting the world of Future of Work.
ADP Integration Spectrum

Innovate & Integrate: Crafting Our Signature ADP Integration Solution.

Focused on your exclusive use cases of highly customized HRTech products, tailored solutions are delivered to address even the most complex integration needs. Custom ADP integration solution ensures efficiency and effectiveness, delivering maximum value, especially in scenarios involving specific integration needs within complex HRTech stacks, in-house HRTech products, intricate data pipelines across systems, and requirements not met by pre-built connectors.
How do we implement ADP integration

No. Integrations Are No Longer Just About Point A to B.

You've made the decision to integrate ADP with your HRTech product. Now, what's the next step? Choosing the integration architecture becomes crucial as it determines how effectively the integration can fulfill your initial use cases. For instance, if real-time data synchronization is a priority, a streaming data integration architecture is necessary. On the other hand, if real-time data sync isn't necessary, a request-response integration architecture can effectively handle the job.
1) Request Response
This pattern involves one system making a request to another and waiting for a response. Common protocols include HTTP/HTTPS, SOAP, and REST.
2) Event-Driven
In this pattern, systems communicate by emitting and listening for events. Well-suited for scenarios where real-time processing is not critical
3) Data
Involves copying data from one system to another to keep them synchronized. Useful for scenarios where different systems need consistent copies of shared data.
4) Aggregator (Hub-and-Spoke)
Involves a central hub that aggregates and distributes information to various spoke systems. Useful for scenarios where multiple systems need access to a centralized set of data.

The Results Which You'll Surely Get Habituated of.

By seamlessly integrating ADP's robust payroll and human capital management solutions with your product, you let your end-users unlock a world of efficiency, accuracy, and streamlined operations. Eliminating the need for manual data entry between systems is more than just a basic requirement for today's HR teams; it's a fundamental necessity to enhance productivity and shift focus towards employee-centric activities, including strategic initiatives, talent development, and fostering a positive employee experience.
Enhanced Employee
Global Reach
and Compliance
Unified Employee &
Candidate Profiles
Increased User
Advanced Predictive
DEI Metrics
Enhanced User

Sound Reasons to Place Your Confidence in Us.

Imagine the level of precision you can acquire if you have been doing the same work for over a decade! Well, we have been obsessed with a single job called 'product engineering' for over 14 years. During this journey, we have onboarded some of the sharpest minds and subject matter experts who collaboratively turn the boring job of coding into the epic job of engineering. What matters the most is their ambition of solving some of the most clogged-up enterprise workflows with the simplest solutions that demand nothing less than guts to go beyond the human spirit and think wild.

Product Engineering Since 2009

Product Engineering in DNA

Core Domain Understanding & SMEs

Robust IP and Data Security Mechanism

Delivers Nothing Less Than Excellence

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Still have Questions?

Top FAQs Around Our Personio Integration Services.

ADP integration involves connecting ADP’s robust payroll and human capital management solutions with your HRTech product to streamline HR processes. It’s essential for HRTech products to integrate with ADP to ensure seamless data flow, enhance efficiency, and provide a better user experience.

Yes, our ADP integration services are highly customizable to accommodate your specific business needs and requirements. We work closely with you to understand your objectives and tailor the integration accordingly to ensure it meets your expectations.

Yes, integrating ADP with your HRTech product allows you to track and analyze data from ADP within your system. This enables you to gain valuable insights into your workforce, payroll, benefits, and other HR-related data, helping you make informed decisions and drive business growth.

We understand that business needs evolve over time, and we’re committed to supporting you every step of the way. If you need to update or modify the integration in the future, our team will work with you to make the necessary changes and ensure that the integration continues to meet your requirements.

No, our integration process is designed to be user-friendly and straightforward. While some technical expertise may be helpful, our team will guide you through the process and provide the necessary support and resources to ensure a successful integration, regardless of your level of technical knowledge.

With the Azilen team already having access to the ADP sandbox, you can rest assured. Testing in this environment ensures seamless integration between both systems, identifying and resolving any potential issues or conflicts prior to deployment in production environments.