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Using Digital Twins to Optimize Pharmaceutical Production Lines for Enhanced cGMP Compliance

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NASA developed the first digital twins in the 1960s, making copies of its spacecraft to perform simulations and train astronauts.

These digital twins played a key role in saving the lives of the astronauts on the problem-plagued Apollo 13 mission.

Apollo 13 Digital Twins


Today, its uses are well-characterized in the manufacturing and engineering sectors.

Talking specifically about Digital Twin in Pharma, manufacturers are increasingly interested in the use of this technology in production processes, according to technology advisory firm ABI Research.

It projects spending by pharmaceutical manufacturers on data analytics tools — including the digital twin — to grow by 27% over the next seven years, to reach $1.2 billion in 2030.

But What Exactly is a Digital Twin in Pharma?

Simply put, a Digital Twin is a real-time digital counterpart of a physical entity.

It allows manufacturers to simulate, monitor, and adjust processes as if they were occurring in the real world, without the risks or costs associated with actual experimentation.

Digital Twins in Pharma


A well-implemented Digital Twin not only reflects what’s happening on the production line but also predicts future behavior, enabling preemptive actions that improve product quality and compliance with cGMP standards.

McKinsey notes that the type of analytics Digital Twins provides, in conjunction with other Industry 4.0 technologies like robotics and automation, typically boosts productivity for pharmaceutical manufacturers by between 50 and 100%.

A Quick Overview of Digital Twin Framework

A Digital Twin consists of three key elements: a physical component, a virtual component, and a system for automated data exchange between them.

Digital twins in pharmaceutical manufacturing | Encyclopedia MDPI

Digital Twins Framework


The physical component includes all data sources, such as sensors and network devices (e.g., routers, workstations).

The virtual component is a detailed digital version of the physical one, built using prior knowledge, historical data, and real-time data from the physical component. This allows for continuous improvement of predictions and accuracy.

The data management platform handles databases, data transmission, operations, and models, and should support data visualization, prediction, real-time analysis, and optimization.

Real-world Examples of Digital Twin in Pharma


Pfizer faced the challenge of rapidly scaling up biologic antibody production in response to emerging viruses. Traditional microbioreactor experiments were time-consuming and complex, especially given the need to reproduce fluid dynamics at larger scales.


Pfizer utilized M-Star CFD, a GPU-enabled computational fluid dynamics software, to create digital twins of bioreactors. This allowed them to simulate fluid flow and gas transfer, reducing the need for extensive physical experiments and streamlining the scale-up process.

CPU Computing vs. GPU Computing


The digital twin approach reduced the number of required experiments, accelerated the manufacturing process, and provided a roadmap for scaling up bioreactors, enabling Pfizer to bring drugs to market faster.

Digital twin for drug discovery


Current transdermal drug delivery systems lack personalization, leading to ineffective or unsafe dosing due to individual differences in metabolism and needs.


Implement a virtual twin that simulates drug release and patient response. This digital model adjusts drug dosage in real-time based on feedback and biomarkers from wearable sensors.


Age-Based Adjustments: Personalized dosing for fentanyl, showing older patients need less frequent patch changes compared to younger patients.

Enhanced Therapy: Improved pain relief duration and safety by optimizing dosage based on real-time feedback.

Broader Potential: Demonstrated success with fentanyl suggests future applications for other drugs.


Sanofi is addressing the lengthy and uncertain nature of drug development, where nearly 90% of new candidates fail in clinical trials.

To improve this process, Sanofi has integrated AI to create digital twins — virtual patient populations that enhance research efficiency.


Digital twinning utilizes quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP) modeling to simulate real patients.

By compiling data on disease biology and treatment pathways, researchers can accurately predict how new drugs will perform.

Example: Virtual Asthma Patients

Sanofi tested a novel asthma compound using virtual patients.

The model successfully predicted outcomes from a Phase 1b trial, demonstrating its reliability in assessing clinical efficacy against existing treatments.


This approach accelerates R&D timelines, transforming processes from weeks to hours and reducing the need for real patient involvement.

Digital Twins in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: How it Optimizes Production Lines

1. Real-Time Monitoring and Control for Compliance

Instead of relying on post-production inspections or delayed feedback loops, manufacturers can now track every step of the process in real-time.

Sensors embedded in machinery collect data that is immediately fed into the Digital Twin, allowing production teams to spot discrepancies instantly and correct them on the fly.

A standout example is GSK’s Digital Twin initiative, which they have applied to their vaccine production processes.

The twin monitors every critical parameter, from temperature to pressure, ensuring that each batch adheres to the strict quality controls required under cGMP.

The real-time insights gained from these Digital Twins allow GSK to identify process deviations before they turn into costly compliance violations.

2. Failure Prevention and Predictive Maintenance

One of the greatest risks in pharmaceutical production is equipment failure or process deviations, which can lead to non-compliance, product recalls, or even patient harm.

Traditional preventive maintenance schedules can’t anticipate every issue.

But Digital Twins takes this to another level by using historical data and machine learning to predict when and where failures are likely to occur.

3. Batch-to-Batch Consistency with Advanced Process Control

Traditional methods of ensuring batch-to-batch consistency often involve laborious post-production testing and quality checks.

Digital Twins revolutionize this by simulating entire batches ahead of time, ensuring that every process parameter is within cGMP guidelines.

One fascinating application comes from a study by Beke et al., which used a Digital Twin to manage powder blending in pharmaceutical production.

By simulating the blending process, the twin ensured precise control over drug dosage, significantly reducing variability between batches.

This not only improved product quality but also helped companies maintain compliance with regulatory standards by providing clear, documented proof of process control​.

4. Accelerating Process Validation for cGMP

Validation is one of the most time-consuming and costly aspects of pharmaceutical production.

It’s also critical for compliance with cGMP, which requires manufacturers to demonstrate that their processes consistently produce high-quality products.

Digital Twins can drastically shorten this process by simulating different production conditions and allowing companies to test “what if” scenarios in a virtual environment before bringing new products or equipment online.

5. Automated Documentation for Audit Readiness

cGMP compliance demands detailed documentation of every step of the production process.

It’s not just about making a high-quality product; it’s about proving that you made it consistently and in line with all applicable standards.

Here, Digital Twins excels by automatically generating comprehensive records of every parameter and decision made during production.

6. Minimizing Waste and Reducing Time to Market

One often overlooked benefit of Digital Twins in Pharma is their ability to reduce material waste and lower costs, all while maintaining compliance.

In an industry where mistakes can lead to massive financial losses and patient risks, the ability to optimize material use is invaluable.

Challenges and Considerations of Digital Twin in Pharma

High-Volume Data Processing

Managing and processing large amounts of real-time data from sensors, which is crucial for maintaining accurate Digital Twins.

Real-Time Synchronization

Ensuring real-time data updates with minimal latency between the physical production line and the Digital Twin for accurate monitoring.

Model Accuracy and Complexity

Balancing the need for highly accurate models of complex pharmaceutical processes without compromising computational efficiency.

Legacy System Integration

Difficulty in connecting older manufacturing equipment and control systems to modern Digital Twin platforms due to compatibility issues.


As production scales, the Digital Twin system must scale too, requiring more computational power to handle increased data and more complex simulations.

Data Consistency

Ensuring consistency in data across distributed production sites and Digital Twins to maintain uniform compliance and operational standards.

Algorithm Complexity

Developing reliable predictive models for complex, often non-linear, pharmaceutical processes, which requires ongoing model updates and tuning.

How Can We Support You in Overcoming Digital Twin Challenges?

At Azilen, we bring 15 years of expertise in product engineering with a focus on Digital Twins.

Our deep-rooted knowledge allows us to offer robust solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Here’s how we can support you:

✅ Technical integration

✅ Customization and scalability

✅ Data security and compliance

✅ Overcoming operational hurdles

✅ Ongoing support and optimization

Let us help you transform challenges into opportunities and drive your pharmaceutical production to new heights of efficiency, compliance, and innovation.

Contact us today to explore how our expertise can support your Digital Twin journey.

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Our Digital Twin experts are here to help.

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