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Azilen HR Integrations
Concurrent data transmission between RecruiTech and HRTech stack is inevitable for achieving efficient HR operations. Releasing data to flow independently between two completely different system through an exclusive pipeline is as thrilling as connecting two puzzle pieces that seemed incompatible at first glance, only to discover they fit perfectly together, unlocking a whole new picture!

You Deserve Values, Not Just a Service.

Whether it's the decline in the HR team's productivity caused by manual data entry between systems or the deterioration of the candidate/employee experience due to data ambiguity and inaccuracies, Workday integration presents the solution to these challenges. It enables product owners to integrate enhanced value propositions into their products, while also prioritizing the smooth experience of end-users.
Vendor Ecosystem Integration
Vendor Ecosystem Integration
By integrating with Workday, your HRTech product gains access to Workday's extensive ecosystem, fostering collaboration and interoperability between different tools and systems. This integration enhances flexibility for your end users, allowing them to leverage a wider range of solutions while maintaining cohesion within their HR workflows.
User Experience
Unified User
By creating a seamless data funnel between Workday and your HRTech product, you can deliver a unified interface, reducing the need for users to switch between multiple platforms. leading to enhanced productivity and user satisfaction.
Automation and
Your HRTech product can leverage Workday data to streamline tasks such as employee onboarding, payroll processing, and performance management. By automating repetitive tasks, organizations can reallocate resources to more strategic activities, driving business growth.
Bidirectional Integration
The bidirectional flow of information ensures consistency and accuracy across Workday and your HRTech product, eliminating data silos and reducing the risk of errors or discrepancies. This eventually enables timely decision-making and improves overall data integrity.
Real-time Data Push and Pull
Real-time Data
Push and Pull
Real-time data synchronization between Workday and your HRTech product, enables your product to push updates to Workday and pull relevant information on demand. By accessing real-time data from Workday, HRTech products can deliver timely notifications, alerts, and analytics to users.
Scalability and
Experience seamless scalability as your business grows while we prioritize data integrity, ensuring that no information is stored at any stage—pre, during, or post data transfer—ensuring your data remains handled gracefully.

Your Choice Can Be One or Infinite. Ours is Only One - Delivering Excellence.

Navigating the complexities of integrating your product with Workday can be daunting, but don't let it deter you. In the face of challenges, remember that endless opportunities await. Regardless of the integration you're pursuing, our promise is clear: delivering nothing less than excellence. Here's what we bring to the table: more than decade-old expertise, fueled by true subject matter experts.
Workday Integration Spectrum

Top Workday Integration Examples.

Recruitment and Applicant Tracking
  • Integrates job requisitions, candidate profiles, and hiring workflows between Workday and recruitment platforms like LinkedIn Talent Solutions or Greenhouse.
  • Allows recruiters to access candidate information and track the progress of hiring activities directly within Workday.
  • Enhances candidate experience by providing a seamless application and onboarding process through integration with recruitment systems.
  • Enables HR teams to analyze recruitment data and optimize hiring strategies based on performance metrics and trends.
Performance Management
  • Integrates performance goals, competencies, and appraisal forms between Workday and performance management platforms like Halogen or SuccessFactors.
  • Supports continuous feedback and coaching through integration with collaboration tools such as Microsoft Teams or Slack.
  • Enables HR to analyze performance data, identify top performers, and align individual goals with organizational objectives within Workday.
  • Facilitates succession planning and talent development initiatives by capturing performance ratings, career aspirations, and skill assessments in integrated system.
  • Integrates with single sign-on (SSO) authentication systems to provide secure access to Workday’s self-service portal from other enterprise applications.
  • Enables employees to update personal information, manage benefits elections, and view pay statements from any device with internet access.
  • Supports multilingual and mobile-friendly interfaces to accommodate diverse workforce demographics and remote work environments.
  • Enhances user experience by offering personalized dashboards, notifications, and self-help resources within integrated system.

Our Most Popular and Acclaimed Workday Integrations.

Workday ServiceNow Integration
Workday ServiceNow Integration 

The Workday-ServiceNow integration harmonizes HR and IT operations, enabling seamless communication between departments. It automates tasks like employee onboarding and equipment provisioning, triggered by Workday’s data updates.

Workday Salesforce Integration
Workday Salesforce Integration

The Workday Salesforce integration bridges HR and sales functions, facilitating smooth collaboration across departments. It automates processes such as employee data updates triggering actions in Salesforce, ensuring alignment between HR and sales activities.

Workday Slack Integration
Workday Slack Integration 

The Workday Slack integration facilitates seamless communication and collaboration between HR and teams using Slack. It automates notifications and updates from Workday, ensuring timely dissemination of important HR information directly within Slack channels.

Workday Boomerang Integration
Workday Boomerang Integration

Workday Boomerang integration optimizes HR processes by seamlessly incorporating Boomerang’s capabilities into Workday. Boomerang, known for its email tools, enhances Workday by allowing users to schedule and manage emails directly within the Workday interface.

Workday Qualtric Integration
Workday Qualtrics Integration 

The Workday-Qualtrics integration enhances HR decision-making by seamlessly integrating Qualtrics’ survey and feedback capabilities into the Workday platform. This integration allows organizations to gather employee feedback, conduct surveys, and analyze data directly within Workday.

Your Workday Integration Requirement Not Listed Here?

Innovate & Integrate: Crafting Our Signature Custom Workday Integration Solution.

Keeping your exclusive use cases of highly custom HRTech product in mind, we deliver you tailored-made solution using Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB) and Workday Studio. Custom solution delivers its maximum value when you have specific integration needs belonging to complex HRTech stack and requirements that can’t be addressed with pre-built connectors.
How do we implement Workday integration?

No. Workday Integration is No Longer About Point A to B.

Gone are the days when integration was executed to a linear path. Workday integration is not just about making data reach its destination; it's more about the strategic stitches, the interconnected pipelines, exact data mapping, message queues and event-driven architecture that turn integration to an artful masterpiece.
1) Request Response
This pattern involves one system making a request to another and waiting for a response. Common protocols include HTTP/HTTPS, SOAP, and REST.
2) Event-Driven
In this pattern, systems communicate by emitting and listening for events. Well-suited for scenarios where real-time processing is not critical
3) Data
Involves copying data from one system to another to keep them synchronized. Useful for scenarios where different systems need consistent copies of shared data.
4) Aggregator (Hub-and-Spoke)
Involves a central hub that aggregates and distributes information to various spoke systems. Useful for scenarios where multiple systems need access to a centralized set of data.

Our Workday Functional Consultant's Strategic Impact: Unveiling Crucial Functions.

Our Workday functional consultant strategically guides crucial functions, ensuring seamless integration and optimization. They inspire innovation, streamline processes, and empower teams, leading towards successful integration, fueled by all stakeholders. This ultimately leads to Workday integration turning out to be not just another solution to a problem but a solution with effective ROI and long-run peace of mind.

Future Proofing
the Integration
Management Facilitation
Disaster Recovery &
Business Continuity
Ethical Considerations
Cognitive Load
Holistic System
Health Monitoring
Business Value
Explore Less Known Strategic Roles of Workday Consultants.

The Results of Workday Integration Which You'll Surely Get Habituated of.

As per the report, "Over a Million People Use Workday Services Every Single Hour of Each Day in Their Business Activities". Integrating such a widely adopted system with your HRTech product not only future-proof your solution and outshine the competition, but also enable your product users to leverage your product at its full potential, leading to lower product churn rate and high user acceptance rate.
Enhanced Employee
Global Reach
and Compliance
Unified Employee &
Candidate Profiles
Increased User
Advanced Predictive
DEI Metrics
Enhanced User

Sound Reasons to Place Your Confidence in Us as Your Workday Implementation Partner.

Imagine the level of precision you can acquire if you have been doing the same work for over a decade! Well, we have been obsessed with a single job called 'product engineering' for over 14 years. During this journey, we have onboarded some of the sharpest minds and subject matter experts who collaboratively turn the boring job of coding into the epic job of engineering. What matters the most is their ambition of solving some of the most clogged-up enterprise workflows with the simplest solutions that demand nothing less than guts to go beyond the human spirit and think wild.

Product Engineering Since 2009

Product Engineering in DNA

Core Domain Understanding & SMEs

Robust IP and Data Security Mechanism

Delivers Nothing Less Than Excellence

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Still have Questions?

Top FAQs Around Our Workday Integration Services.

Workday Integration Services enable organizations to streamline their business processes by connecting Workday with other applications, ensuring data consistency, and improving overall efficiency.

Any new HRTech product not coming by default with one-click or relatively easy Workday integration tends to have a high churn rate as their users are still required to manage two different systems after buying a subscription. This leads user experience to take a nose dive. By integrating their new HRTech products with Workday, product owners can let their users get full mileage out of the HRTech product.

Our Workday Integration Services are designed to scale with the needs of the organization. However, specific limits may depend on factors such as system architecture and scalability. Thus, our experts always first assess your platform to present the complete roadmap.

The Workday Integration API is a set of tools and protocols provided by Workday that allow developers to create custom integrations between Workday’s cloud-based applications and other external systems or applications. These APIs provide a standardized way for developers to interact with Workday’s data and functionality, enabling them to build custom connectors, automate workflows, and exchange data between Workday and other systems.

Workday provides a range of integration tools to connect its platform with external systems:

Workday Studio: A graphical IDE for building integrations.
Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB): A user-friendly tool for configuring data imports/exports.
Workday Web Services: SOAP and REST APIs for programmatic access to Workday data.
Workday Integration Cloud Platform (ICP): A cloud-based platform for building and managing integrations.

These tools enable organizations to streamline data exchange and automate processes across their IT landscape.


Yes, Our Workday Integration Services allow organizations to create custom integrations to meet specific business and mapping requirements. Custom and complex integrations can be developed using Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB) and Workday Studio

Yes, Workday integrations can be scaled to accommodate business growth and changes by designing flexible and modular integration architectures. This allows for seamless expansion, addition of new functionalities, and adaptation to evolving business needs without disrupting existing integrations.

With the Azilen team already having access to the Workday sandbox, you can rest assured. Testing in this environment ensures seamless integration between both systems, identifying and resolving any potential issues or conflicts prior to deployment in production environments.